Posts by Sea Breeze

  • Sea Breeze

    JW vs. Christian Message To the World - The Kingdom of God, or Reconciliation with God?

    by Sea Breeze in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    after stuydying jw's for over half a century, i haved concluded the following: .

    old light / new light is a primary doctrine of jehovah’s witneses.

    when they abandon on old prophecy or change a doctrine, they characterize this as “old light”.

    1. JeffT
    2. slimboyfat
    3. Sea Breeze
  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    Could you please elaborate on preaching the good news of the kingdom and the ministry of reconciliation ?

    Jesus said that he was sent to the “lost sheep of house of Israel”, not Gentiles. But, they chose to kill him rather than be ruled by him. He later revealed in a Revelation to John that he would raise up 144k male Jewish virgins to preach the good news of the (coming) kingdom during the GT .

    In the meantime, Jesus raised up The Apostle Paul as an “Apostle to the Gentiles”.

    All the apostles founded Christian churches by announcing that God had been propitiated by a deal (covenant) brokered by Jesus, mankind’s Mediator.

    No more was man God's enemy as far as God was concerned. “Whosoever” accepted the offer was Justified, meaning that they have zero sin debt to pay for; and hence are legally eligible for every conceivable blessing from God including the biggest prize of all - “sonship”.

    The Ministry of Reconciliation swept the Roman world and has been the message of Christians for almost 2000 years.